Trail series comes to Armadale next month

Trail series comes to Armadale next month

Perth Trails Series has been running events at Wungong Regional Park since 2012.

Perth Trail Series will be bringing their grassroots trail running event to the City of Armadale next month, showcasing our beautiful local trails.

Sponsored by the City of Armadale, the event will host three races at Wungong Regional Park, with 5.2km, 10.5km and a 15.6km options.

This event forms part of the Perth Trail Series ‘Summer Series’, encouraging trail runners of all ages and experience levels to get outside and be in nature.

“The city welcomes Perth Trail Series to the City of Armadale and we are excited to showcase the trails of Wungong Regional Park to new and returning trail runners,” Mayor Ruth Butterfield said.

“The city has so much nature-based tourism to offer, and we are proud to support an event that brings in people from all over Perth to spend a morning enjoying our beautiful trails.”

Perth Trail Series Director Melina Mellino said she’d spent over a decade inspiring thousands of people to leave the pavement behind and embrace the magic of local trails.

“We have been hosting events at Wungong Regional Park since 2012, and we love it so much we keep coming back. Wungong is a hidden gem for trail running, and we are excited to showcase these unique trails once again,” she said.

Perth Trail Series run approximately 90 events a year, with a majority being free social events and cause-driven outings that include rubbish clean-ups and weekly group runs.

The Wungong trail event will run on Sunday February 9. To find out more about the Wungong race and their other events, visit the Perth Trail Series website.