Transport questions

Transport questions

Member for Darling Range Tony Simpson is concerned about the funding for the proposed Byford station.

Residents in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale’s comments and suggestions on the Department of Transports Transport@3.5million plan have now been submitted.

The project looks at the transport needs of Perth when the population reaches 3.5million.

The submission date closed on October 28 and member for Darling Range Tony Simpson said it was a great opportunity for people to have input into their city, transport needs and to make comments on the systems and on what they believed is required.

“It is important to be pro-active and plan for the future,” he said.

“One of the key transport issues in Byford is the preparation for the train station.

“It is imperative that the shire work closely with the Department of Planning to develop a plan that will ensure that the situation occurring at Denny Avenue does not happen in Byford.”

Shire president John Erren said the shire overall supported the transport plan’s vision of a vibrant, connected and productive Perth but in addition to the plan the shire had submitted some alternative solutions to the DOT.

“Public transport options, change to the road network priorities, palace a greater emphasis on active transport and give more attention to the freight transport challenges in the shire,” he said.

“The shire’s immediate priority is to establish rapid bus routes between Rockingham and Mundijong and Byford and Armadale.”

Mr Erren said the shire would continue to lobby for the different transport initiatives.

“The residents have made it clear what their vision is for 2050 and the shire will actively work to ensure that their vision is implemented,” he said.

“The transport plan is designed to keep our city moving as we grown and help Perth to continue to be one of the most liveable cities in the world.”