Tree gets ‘a blue lease on life’

Tree gets ‘a blue lease on life’

Canning deputy mayor Ben Kunze and Cr Amanda Spencer-Teo with mayor Patrick Hall at the blue tree.

Canning Council is painting the city blue this month to spark conversations around mental health.

In recognition of WA Mental Health Week (October 7-14), a fourth tree was painted blue, joining existing blue trees at Mary Mackillop Park in Queens Park, Massey Park in Rossmoyne and Whaleback Golf Course.

The newly painted tree is behind the Canning Arts Group in Riverton, just off High Road, and is part of the City’s ongoing involvement in the Blue Tree Project.

The Blue Tree Project’s mission is to help spark important conversations and encourage people to speak up when battling mental health concerns.

It began in WA to raise awareness of mental wellbeing and now blue trees can be found across Australia and overseas.

Canning Town Hall will also be lit up blue for WA Mental Health Week.

Mayor Patrick Hall said the council was proud to be continue its involvement with the Blue Tree Project and was committed to raising awareness of this important issue among staff as well as the community.

“We want the blue trees to serve as a visual reminder to everyone that it’s OK to not be OK, and that there are always people to listen to you and support you,” he said.

“Each of our blue trees will have a sign with a QR code linking people to support services should they need them. I encourage anyone who needs support to reach out.”

For more information visit Blue Tree Project’s website or follow