Twilight market marks ultimate celebration for local group

Twilight market marks ultimate celebration for local group

Bedfordale Bush Markets organisers Liz Sacco, Liz Reed and Kat Jolley. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

A chat between three Bedfordale residents over a cup of coffee four years ago has eventuated in a number of successful events that have brought the close-knit community closer than ever before. 

Not-for-profit group Bedfordale Connect Incorporated initially started hosting three fortnightly markets in Bedfordale in November 2015 but with limited help, the small group soon found themselves exhausted and rundown.

The markets were then opened again for business in April 2016 as a monthly meet and have been going gangbusters ever since. 

President Liz Reed said the group is excited to deliver this month’s market as a twilight event to celebrate their fourth birthday.

“This year we have managed with a committee of four people and just recently increased to five but we have a great crew of volunteers helping us on the day including the Bedfordale Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade who handle the parking,” she said.

“As it’s our fourth birthday we will be celebrating with a massive chocolate cake and a different gluten free cake which we will be cutting and sharing at about 5pm.” 

The market will also include live music from Martin and Coole and local band Jon Cope as well as a silent disco, plenty of artisan stalls, food trucks and children’s activities. 

The market will be held at Southern Hills Christian College on November 23 from 3pm to 10pm.

For more information find the group on Facebook.