‘Up to Ng to justify’

‘Up to Ng to justify’

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Local Government Minister Tony Simpson will not get involved in the controversy over City of Canning mayor Paul Ng’s election promise to halve his salary.

Last week it was revealed Mr Ng only halved his $46,350 mayoral attendance fee and not his $87,550 annual local government allowance fee despite saying in election material he would take a ‘50 per cent salary cut’.

Mr Ng said he used salary in his election material because he believed attendance fee and sitting fee was confusing for some voters.

Mr Simpson said it was up to Mr Ng to justify his decision to ratepayers.

“If I stood for the last state election and said I was only going to take half my pay, should I declare my electoral allowance as part of my pay or should I keep that and should I also keep my account which allows me to travel as well?” he said.

“It’s a very similar conversation, it’s something for the mayor to convince the people who elected him.

“It’s as simple as that from where I’m sitting.

“He’s made the comments, he’s got to justify.

“It’s not an issue for the Minister for Local Government or even the department, that’s for the individual to make.”

Mr Simpson said he was unaware of any other mayor or councillor who had cut any money from their allowances.