Videos the go for web surfers

Videos the go for web surfers

Telstra Armadale employee Emma Gillies, Telstra WA country wide area general manager Boyd Brown, Armadale manager library and heritage Patricia Walker, Telstra Armadale employee Sylvia Lee and City of Armadale mayor Henry Zelones at the launch of the NBN experience van on Friday. Photograph — Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne.

Video streaming is Australia’s number one pastime on the internet according to Telstra WA country wide area general manager Boyd Brown.

Mr Brown visited Armadale on Friday as internet service providers ramp up their efforts to get Armadale customers signed onto the NBN following recent activations.

About 4100 homes and businesses in Armadale, Brookdale and Haynes can now access the network and 29,000 premises will be able to connect by June.

Mr Brown visited the Jull Street Mall to launch the NBN experience van on Friday.

He said the continued rollout of the NBN network came as broadband use in Australia had reached unprecedented levels.

Last year the volume of traffic carried over Telstra’s fixed network increased by more than 30 per cent with more than half of fixed broadband traffic now video related.

“The NBN network can also provide the bandwidth needed to get more members of the household online at the same time to stream videos and use a range of connected devices like PCs, games consoles, tablets, smartphones and now Telstra TV,” he said.

“We’re seeing phenomenal interest in streaming video services.

“They’re putting people in control of what they watch independent of broadcast schedules.”