St Vincent de Paul Society volunteers in Gosnells celebrated 60 years of providing support to people in the local community on November 6.
They began with morning mass followed by celebrations in the parish hall at Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church.
Former St Vincent de Paul president Genevieve De Souza said the celebrations payed tribute to the countless St Vincent de Paul members and volunteers who had given much of their time, talent and resources to the disadvantaged and vulnerable members in the community over the last 60 years.
“The Gosnells conference was formed to undertake the St Vincent de Paul Society’s core work of home visitation and emergency relief,” she said.
“Conferences refer to the parish-based groups that provide the home visits to people in the community.
“They visit in pairs to respond to calls for assistance from people doing it tough and during the home visits members go out to people’s homes to offer friendship and support, while responding to their request for assistance.”
Ms De Souza said assistance was given by way of food, clothing, household goods and help with utility bills.
“Currently the conference has 15 members and five associate members,” she said.
Ms De Souza said from 1972 to present, the Gosnells conference had been serving the community of Gosnells with emergency relief.
In recent times the charity had been working closely with other not for profit and government agencies in Gosnells particularly assisting with rental arrears in an effort to prevent homelessness.
“Since January 2015 the conference and parish has hosted and provided the venue for the St Vincent de Paul migrant and refugee committee which services those living south of the river,” she said.
Parish priest Father Philip Perreau said it was a great day to celebrate the goodness of the people in the wider community.
“The celebrations strengthened who we are,” he said.
“We brought attention to people in need and we work closely with the St Vincent de Paul society.”