Vital future secured for Mill house

Vital future secured for Mill house

Shire president John Erren, National Trust of Western Australia chief executive officer Julian Donaldson, Peel Development Commission chairman Paul Fitzpatrick and Member for Darling Range Tony Simpson with the cheque at the Mill Manager’s house.

The National Trust of Western Australia will lead new conservation works at the Mill Manager’s house in Jarrahdale with the support of $215,000 funding from the Royalties for Regions Peel Regional Grants Scheme.

Member for Darling Range Tony Simpson presented a cheque on behalf of the Peel Development Commission to National Trust of Western Australia chief executive officer Julian Donaldson on January 31.

Mr Donaldson said he was delighted to receive support for the work, which is expected to be completed by October.

He also said community use of the Mill Manager’s house was a vital consideration in the future of the place, which is listed on the state heritage register.

“The grant will fund external painting, structural works and roof remediation as well as internal fitout including new kitchen and toilet facilities, flooring an painting which will provide an inviting and sustainable option for community and commercial groups,” he said.

“The National Trust will liaise closely with the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale and local communities and businesses to ensure visitors can enjoy this important place.”

Mr Donaldson said it was significant locally and for its role in the far-reaching distribution of Jarrah internationally as a desirable timber.

Mr Simpson said the former residence was home to Jarrahdale’s mill managers for over a century and has direct links with the history of the state’s timber industry.

“The 1881 Mill Manager’s house is a significant landmark and historic place within Jarrahdale Heritage Park,” he said.

“Its conservation will ensure a continued future as a valued place in the Peel region.”

Shire president John Erren said the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale looked forward to working in partnership with the National Trust of Western Australia to raise the profile of the historic town of Jarrahdale with the conservation of the landmark Mill Manager’s House.