In a first for public hospitals in WA, the state’s first fully endorsed midwife-led maternity service opened its doors in Bentley this week.
The $2.6 million Midwifery Birth Centre at Bentley Hospital incorporates a new model of care for pregnant women accessing public hospitals, now offering highly sought-after childbirth options to women in the East Metropolitan Health Service catchment area.”
Two birth suites are included in the centre, each with a spacious birthing pool, as well as a consultation room, a family room, and a midwives’ hub.
Women using the service will be cared for by the same midwife throughout their pregnancy, even if the mother or baby needs to transfer to another hospital due to unforeseen circumstances.

The new facility is led and staffed entirely by Credentialed and Endorsed midwives.
Endorsed midwives are highly skilled health practitioners who have completed additional training, enabling them to provide comprehensive care during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.
Premier Roger Cook and WA Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson were both present at the birthing centre’s official opening.
Sanderson believes the service offers the highest standard of maternity care, which is equal to that found in any public hospital across Australia.
“As a mother myself, I know how important continuity of care is and why having the same midwife with you for your entire pregnancy journey will undoubtedly enhance the birth experience,” she said.
“It is all about choice – providing birthing women within the public hospital system the same options available within the private system.”
Premier Cook believes the centre is an example of his government listening to women and delivering on what matters.
“Bentley Hospital is developing into a significant healthcare hub, and this new option will provide the patient-centred care families have been asking for,” he said.
“Along with the new Women and Babies Hospital, expanded maternity services at Osborne Park Hospital and upgraded neonatal services at Perth Children’s Hospital, we are providing the best possible experience for new mums and their babies.”
The centre, designed to cater to expectant women deemed to be low risk according to national guidelines, allows women wishing to use the service to self-refer online via the East Metropolitan Health Service website, unlike traditional maternity hospitals.