Was your relative a war veteran?

Was your relative a war veteran?

Two more names are needed for the Gosnells Wall of Remembrance.

For many in the community, now is an appropriate time to remember those people of Gosnells who served in the Australian Defence Forces.

Remembering a friend or family member’s service need not be restricted to Anzac and Remembrance Day.

The City of Gosnells has a Heritage Listed landscaped living memorial at the Community Wall of Remembrance at 70 Lissiman Street in Gosnells.

The Rotary Club of Kenwick Wall was constructed in 2015 with the aid of the Men’s Shed and a Centenary of Anzac Grant.

It was built particularly to acknowledge the service of residents of Gosnells who served in World War II.

The club’s plan was to mount 100 plaques acknowledging local residents’ WWII service, has achieved 98 plaques and requires two names to complete that portion of the wall.

The Rotary Club of Kenwick has increased membership with a new name – Rotary Canning River.

The club is seeking assistance from the City of Gosnells community to complete this project.

The Club will fund two WWII service plaques for two Gosnells residents.

Rotary has also opened an area on the Wall dedicated to Gosnells residents who served in later conflicts, such as Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Timor, Afghanistan and Iraq.

If you know someone who served Australian Defence Forces in later conflicts and you would like to acknowledge their service by buying a plaque for $20, contact Barbara on ambasa@iinet.net.au for an application form.