Work on new waste facility begins

Work on new waste facility begins

Gosnells Mayor Terresa Lynes (second from right), with WA Environment Minister Reece Whitby, Goterra CEO Olympia Yarger, and City of Gosnells Councillors at the planned food waste recycling facility in Maddington.

Construction is officially underway on the City of Gosnells’ pioneering food waste recycling facility. The groundwork for the facility is now complete at the City’s Operations Centre in Maddington.

The infrastructure, designed by award-winning food waste innovators Goterra, is currently being assembled off-site.

It is expected to be installed and operational by the first quarter of the 2025/26 financial year.
In the meantime, residents eager to be part of the future of waste management are being encouraged to sign up for the GOsFO (Gosnells Food Organics) trial program, which offers households a hands-on role in the City’s sustainability mission.

Once operational, the facility will use Black Soldier Fly larvae to process food waste into Frass, a nutrient-rich organic fertiliser.
“The organic by-product, Frass, is a powerful soil additive, and we are exploring opportunities to use it right here in Gosnells to help close the loop in our local economy,” City of Gosnells chief executive Ian Cowie said.
The high-protein insect meal, meanwhile, will be transported to external processing plants and used in poultry feed, fish meal for aquaculture, and pet food.
“This protein is a sustainable alternative to soya or meat-based proteins. It’s another example of how the GOsFO program contributes to broader environmental and industry outcomes,” Mr Cowie added.

Earlier this year City of Gosnells councillors met with the Minister for the Environment Reece Whitby and Goterra CEO Olympia Yarger to inspect the new concrete pad at the facility site located at the City’s Operations Centre in Maddington.

Minister Whitby said he believes the project demonstrates Western Australia’s leading approach to recycling on a national scale.

“It will complement our existing Food Organics, Garden Organics (FOGO) recycling system, which has proven enormously popular with hundreds of thousands of households throughout WA,” he said.

Goterra Founder and chief executive Olympia Yarger said she was excited to bring their food waste recycling system to Western Australia.

“This project represents the best of what can be achieved when an innovative and passionate Council like the City of Gosnells works to deliver better waste recovery and sustainability for their community,” Ms Yarger said.

In addition to the burgundy bin, participants will receive a five-litre benchtop caddy with compostable liners for collecting organic scraps.
For more information on the program or to sign up, visit the City’s Your Say page online at