Young chef John has a bright future ahead of him

Young chef John has a bright future ahead of him

Canning Vale College student John Jessie and chef Gavin Wright.

A year 12 Canning Vale College student is determined to become a chef as he has recently been successful in gaining an apprenticeship at a local pub in Piara Waters.

John Jessie was attending work placement as part of his Certificate II in Hospitality when he caught the eye of C.Y. O’Connor Village Pub executive chef Gavin Wright.

Mr Wright indicated that John showed potential and initiative right away and was impressed with his work ethic and attitude.

The local establishment regularly assists students who are studying a Certificate II in Hospitality and help to guide them in the industry.

They also hope to develop a microbrewery which will allow combined research into flavour profiles of both beef and beer.

John has now completed his work placement through school at a few different hospitality placements.

He said this has confirmed his desire to continue in this industry as a chef and he is looking forward to the challenge ahead.