Your chance to see new fire station

Your chance to see new fire station

The 24/7 station will house three appliances and be staffed by 36 firefighters.

Next month, the first career fire station in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale will begin operations.

After years of advocacy by the shire, in November 2022, the Department of Fire and Emergency Services announced that Cardup would be the home of Western Australia’s newest career fire station as part of a plan to future-proof demand for emergency services in Perth’s rapidly growing south-east corridor.

The Cardup CFRS, on the corner of Doley and Orton Roads, was scheduled for practical completion in December.

And the new $14.5 million facility, which will be crewed by 36 firefighters and house three appliances, appears to be opening right on time.

On Saturday, the local community will get a sneak peek as part of an open day for the new Cardup Fire Station, to be held between 11am to 1pm.

Visitors can join behind-the-scenes tours of a modern Career Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) station, see demonstrations and talk to firefighters who will be working from the new facility to protect local communities.

Children will have the opportunity to sit inside the cab of a fire truck while a vintage appliance from the 1940s will also be on display. The open day will also feature a free sausage sizzle.

“The state-of-the-art Cardup Fire Station will support all of our dedicated volunteers in the area and further strengthen our resources to help keep the local community, properties and environment safe,” Department of Fire and Emergency Services Deputy Commissioner Craig Waters said.

“The open day is a great opportunity to see what it is like to be a firefighter and I encourage the community to come and take a look at the new fire station that will serve them into the future.”